Selasa, 04 April 2017

The Things That I Learn From College

Image result for college girl

Haiiiiiii! OMG it soooooo good to be back. I'm so sorry that i had to take hiatus for few years, because man, college life is soooo hectic. Plus i just finished my bachelor thesis and my last exam (the oral exam). And i have to announce you that i just graduated from college. YAYYYYYY! I mean i havent do the celebration (graduation) yet, but technically i have graduated, you get what i mean?

So, after the long process, finally i could make it :"") So happy and relieved at the same time. So, for me college is the one of the important phase of my life, totally different with high school and more challenging. So I want to take a list, the things that i learned a lot from college. 

1. Never. Ever. Give. Up. When i knew I got accepted in IT, i cried so hard because IT was not my first choice major. Plus I really have no basic and have no idea about IT. I really had a rough start, i had a hard time to adjust with the lecture and the first semester was like a hell for me. I have to accustomed to the way of thinking logically and all the programming things that i really want to cry every time i did the homework. And then i realized, that i couldnt be that way. I really have to get up and said to myself that no matter what will happen, you're gonna be fine. And that works! I start to thinking that i have to do this and i have to survive all of these for your own sake! I lost count how many times i want to give up when i did my bachelor thesis, all the slepless and lots of crying nights because i was sooooo tired. Tired with project, revision, my lecturers, and all the pressure from friends and situation. But you have to know, at the end of the day, all of those gonna pass and you gonna be fine. So, if you're tired, take a rest but dont give up. You never know what will happen to the future.  So you gotta finished what you started!

2. Independent. Before I got college, i see myself as somebody that dependant to someone else. And i have to force myself to be independent woman, because college is totally different with high school. You can't keep relying on somebody else, you have to start to take care yourself. Starting from your schedule, your strategic, your dorm, your vision about your future. You have to start to plan out what will you do in college. I think the most different part of me after i got college is I can cook! hahaha And i able to get to know more about me, more listening the voice in my head, more understand when i have to decided something and when i have to ask someone else. And i think, the good side being in college is you have the opportunity to know more about your capability and weakness.

3. Brave. For me, college is a survival event. If you brave, you gonna finish what you started, so you keep running. But if you don't, you gonna back off and move. I think thats explain the whole point. 

4. It's Okay To Be Not Okay. I have lots of hard time in college. Starting from friends, homesick, and other college girl problems. And then i realized that you dont have to be the happy and perfect girl all the time. It's ok to be sad. It's ok to be not okay. it's ok to be bitch (ha!). Because those feeling show you that you're just ordinary girl. 

5. Be Positive. I think the most important part to tackle your difficulties and sadness is be positive. It feels so amazing, when you have a positive minds and the universe like always agree with you. 

Senin, 13 Juli 2015

Curahan Hati

Haaaaai. It has beeen a looooong time yaa, saya ga pernah nulis lagi di blog ini. 

Jadi, saya hari ini pengen cerita cerita gitu sekaligus ini jadi post curahan hati pertama saya setelah masuk kuliah. Jadi ya, menginjak semester 3 kemarin, saya memutuskan untuk pindah kos kosan karena ibu kos yang sering jagain kosan saya mau pindah rumah. Dan orang tua saya menganggap riskan sekali meninggalkan anak kosan tanpa ada ibu kos. Ditambah saya juga ga berani sih kalo ninggalin kosan waktu liburan tanpa ada penjaganya. Akhirnya dengan perpisahan isak tangis, saya pun pindah dari kosan lama. Saya gak bohong lho kalo bilang ada perpisahan dengan isak tangis huhu. Jadi, saya tuh deket banget sama pembantu ibu kosan. Nah pembantunya itu udah mbok mbok gituu, jadi sering buat saya tempat cerita, trus kalo ibu kosan pergi, yune (panggilan pembantunya) sering main di kamar saya. Yah pokoknya saya deket banget deh, sampe saya sering dikasih makan segala, ngerokin kalo lagi sakit, bikin teh segala. Pokoknya baik banget deh :" Saya sampe gak tega ngelihat nangis saat saya angkut angkut barang pindahan. Kaya saya udah dianggap anak sendiri huhu. Sedih kan jadiinyaaa....

Nah, kemudian di kosan baru sudah berbulan bulan saya pindah tuh, saya masiiih berasa kangeen banget sama yune itu. Di kosan baru sebenernya rame sih, cuman anak anaknya sibuk banget. Kalo belum maghrib, belum pada pulang :( Alamak. Jadi, saya sering menghabiskan siang dan sore saya nonton, istirahat, ngerjain tugas. Gitu gitu aja. Gada bisa yang diajakin jadi temen ngobrol. Kadang kalo malem ngerasa sepi di kosan, saya sering merenung betapa kangennya saya sama si yune itu. Udah kaya siapa ajaa, tiap malem dipikirin mwahaha. Tapi saya sih masih sering telepon, yune juga sering bilang kangeen banget sama sayaa huhuhu. Emang ya figur seperti Ibu di tempat rantau emang susah banget dicari. Ini sekalinya kenal dan deket, dia harus pindah hiks hiks hiks

Nah, semenjak saya tinggal di kosan baru jugaa saya sering sakit sakitan. Ga ngerti kenapa :(. Mungkin karena kegiatan yang saya ambil lebih banyak dibanding saya tinggal di kosan lama. Tapi di kosan baru, saya seriing banget nangis karena begitu banyak pikiran yang kadang kadang bikin punggung saya berat, saya stresss. Saya cuma bisa nangis dan mengadu ke Allah agar pikiran saya yang kadang kadang overanalysing ini berenti bikin kepala saya pusing. Mungkin kalo ada temen curhat seperti Yune, at least agak meringankan buat saya. Dan menyadari bahwa saya gak punya temen curhat lagi seperti dia makin makin bikin saya kangen. Duh, semoga bisa ketemu lagi ya yune :". Mungkin hal itu juga yang bikin saya sering sakit. Sakit pertama karena sakit kecapaian dan banyak pikiran, Sakit kedua, sedih gada yang bikinin teh kalo sakit, Sakit ketiga, nelangsa karena jauh dari orang tua. Kadang, kalo saya udah gak tahan dengan semua tekanan, solusi yang paling ampuh adalah saya harus pulang. At least, di rumah ketemu orang tua bikin setengah sakit saya agak ringan dan menjauh dari pressure yang kadang kadang bikin jengkel sendiri karena pengen istirahat. 

Tapi saya mencoba buat sabar dan bertahan, semoga apa yang didapat lebih baik dari sakit yang diberikan. Amiiin. 

Kamis, 01 Januari 2015

Me, College and 2014

Haii Hooooo. Finally i made a time to post some babbling here..

Udah lama banget ya rasanya, saya tidak meninggalkan jejak di blog ini. Saya lebih banyak menghabiskan dan membangun di blog buku saya. Itu pun kalo tugas dan project lagi selow.

2014. Tahun transisi saya dari anak SMA menjadi anak kuliahan. Rasanya lebih susah, lebih capek dari SMA. I never knew that college is this hard. Damn :( Di saat rawan susah tugas, dan stress kuliah mulu, yang kadang ga ngerti itu apa :/. Saya sering nangis karena homesick dan kangen teman teman. Apalagi masa masa SMA. You have no idea, how much i miss my high school moment. Yang gada teman muka dua, teman nusuk dari belakang. Everything was so harmonic and good. Rasanya beda banget waktu kuliah, dimana keberagaman sifat dan karakter lebih banyak dibanding SMA. Itu menambah susahnya jadi anak kuliah mwahahaha. 

2014 juga jadi tahun kedua saya merasakan sebuah kegagalan. Rasanya still can't believe that i have to go through that phase again. My heart felt pain everywhere. My brain couldn't think. I was just want to cry, cry, and cry. Dinamika 2014 memang hebat banget. Semuanya bercampur jadi satu. Galau, rindu, cinta, sayang, bingung, cemas, takut dan gelisah. Semua rasa itu punya moment tersendiri di 2014.

I (always) want to escape. Do you ever feel scared towards your future? Isn't it scary? But sometimes, you just can't keep runaway. You have to face it with stronger heart. ((nangis di bawah shower))

Selasa, 05 Agustus 2014

I just can't

Saya ternyata merasakan lagi apa yang saya rasakan 1 tahun lalu..

Sekarang yang saya tahu adalah life must go on..

Menangis rasanya hampa. Ga akan ada yang berubah walau kau menangis sederas samudera..

Selasa, 25 Februari 2014


Sempat terfikir untuk menutup blog ini. Tapi eng melihat perjuangan 3 tahun belakangan ini, saya urungkan niat itu. Jujur, saya mengalami writer's block selama ini. Jadi maafkan saya kalo jarang update blog ini. Saat ini saya lebih banyak menghabiskan waktu waktu saya menjadi seorang reviewer di satu satunya blog buku saya ( Kalo ada waktu, mampir ya ;))

Saya gatau akan berapa lama saya istirahat. Yang jelas, saat saya udah bisa menulis dengan mood yang maksimal. Dan tidak on-off. 

Salam Hangat,    

Selasa, 31 Desember 2013

New Year's Eve


So, counting down on 2014. Beberapa jam lagi  Wilayah Indonesia Bagian Barat akan memasuki tahun baru 2014. Yay! Are you guys excited? Well, kalo saya ditanya gitu. Engga juga sih. Dibanding tahun lalu, rumah terasa sepi *sigh* Biasanya setiap tahun rumah ruamee banget pada bakaran. tapi sepertinya tahun ini enggak hehehe.Tapi saya bersyukur bisa menghabiskan new year's eve bareng keluarga *grin*. Tahun lalu saya menghabiskan new year's eve sama temen temen SMA. huhu How much i miss them right now :""

So Have you guys prepared 2014's resolutions? Me? Nope. Tahun kmaren saya ingat memasang resolusi yang berhubungan masa depan. Seperti kuliah. Tapi ga kewujud -.- Dan saya masih ngerasa 'cant get over it' hehe Entahlah. Definitely I'm still broken-hearted. But we'll see. Tahun ini saya memutuskan untuk tidak menargetkan apapun. Mengikuti kata hati saja :D See you in 2014!!

Senin, 11 November 2013

Ternyata menjadi seorang perempuan tegar dan tahan banting itu sulit sekali..

Setegar apapun dia, di satu titik. Di ujung ketegarannya, dia akan menetaskan air mata..


Dan amat sangat tidak menyenangkan menjadi perempuang yang mudah rapuh,

yang hatinya cepat hancur sekali disentak oleh sesuatu..

Jumat, 01 November 2013

United We Spy (#Gallagher Girls 6) by Ally Carter

Judul : United We Spy
Penulis : Ally Carter
Penerbit : Disney-Hiperion
Jumlah Halaman : 296 Halaman
Tanggal terbit : 17 September 2012
Bahasa : Inggris
Ratings : 5/5

Cammie Morgan has lost her father and her memory, but in the heart-pounding conclusion to the best-selling Gallagher Girls series, she finds her greatest mission yet. Cammie and her friends finally know why the terrorist organization called the Circle of Cavan has been hunting her. Now the spy girls and Zach must track down the Circle’s elite members to stop them before they implement a master plan that will change Cammie—and her country—forever.

The Circle is closing again, and as the group runs against the time to try and stop Catherine Goode from killing off all the Inner Circle members, a bigger and darker truth starts to be uncovered. Who do you trust  when the Circle is everywhere? And most importantly, who do you save, and who do you hunt the Circle members, who are trying their hardest to instigate WW3, or Catherine who is on a psychopathic mission of cold, calculated deaths of Circle members.

Cammie, Bex, Liz, Zach and Macey in this book came together they were taking control of things, they weren’t sitting there waiting listening to what the adults were saying. They were kicking butt and taking everybody down. There was so much action and romance in this book. It has twists and turns and I just loved every single page of it. How could I not? This book was so fast paced. I loved it when we needed all this action to do with the circle and everything, yet we still had the moments of calmness and friendship.

I love Ally Carter and awesome her books are! Ally Carter is one of my all time favourite authors. She has a perfect way of writing action that doesn’t leave the reader wondering which character just got shot, ot shot someone. While I didn’t think the action was as fast and unexpected as the other book, United We spy’s climax was something I was never expecting. I enjoyed all the relationship dynamics in this book. There wasn’t much angst, which was a nice break from other book I read. Ally knew that the time for tension was over, and thank God for that. All the characters had developed a lot from the beginning of the series. They are beliavabIe and friendly and open, yet-suprisingly adult and mature and secretive. And i lovee the ending. It was a bittersweet ending, Lizzie made me cry :”)

United We Spy ended with me in tears.

This was the most heartfelt, sincere, coming of age section I have ever seen!!

Thanks, Ally Carter. You make a great book and series.

Who comes here?
We are the sisters of Gillian
Why do you come?
To learn her skills. Honor her sword. And keep her secrets.
To what end do you work?
To the cause of justice and light.
How long will you strive?
For all the days of our lives…

What is Gallagher Girl?

A Gallagher girl is whatever she wants to be and most of all, she is my sister