Kamis, 16 Desember 2010

how tired i am

halo hola ,..w.w.w
wakakakakak lama sekali udah gak blogging..
kangen blog saya ini..
finally i come back to my lovely home,,hello my lovely bed :**, my lovely family, and my lovely gadget :*** miss u all..
yeah setelah 3 hari kemah di Banyumas,,Ga usah tanya bagaimana keadaan saya dsana..
Susaaaaah...dsnaa hrus ngangsu lah harus inilah itulah
mana sering djemur...tapi positifnya kita sih bsa ngerasain "gini ya jadi org susah" hahah
udah deh ga usah nyeritain kemah kemaren,,senep rasanya....
yangg penting gue udah pulang... :p

yap i havent yet tell about my life lately..
someone told me that he likes me..
yeah..i have little crush on him..
he can made me laugh all the time but sometimes little annoyed haha
nowadays i just realized that i like him...
i dont know how..but thats reality,,,
maybe i will forget it after this situation change
i dont know he still like me or not...
but the point,, he want to be my brother..
and u know,,i want to have brother..so..for a while he will become my brother...
so...enough for today,,ok?
:) miss u, blog


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